Stock Status

Stock Information As of March 31,2024

Total number of authorized shares 248,000,000
Total number of shares issued 121,000,000
Number of shares of treasury stock 10,902,707
Trade lot unit shares 100 shares
Number of shareholders 58,520
所有者別 株式分布状況
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Major Shareholders

Name of shareholders Shares held number
Shareholding ratio
General Incorporated Association Murayama Asset Management 25,633 21.18
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (for trust account) 11,141 9.21
MIRARTH HOLDINGS, Inc. 10,902 9.01
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (for trust account) 2,975 2.46
Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd. 2,163 1.79
Murayama Kikaku Co., Ltd. 2,000 1.65
RUDEN HOLDINGS Co., Ltd. 1,724 1.43
JPMorgan Securities Japn Co.,Ltd. 1,527 1.26
MIRARTH HOLDINGS Business Partner Shareholding Association 1,452 1.20
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 1,184 0.98

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