Terms of Use

  • Copyrights

    The copyrights on this website belong to MIRARTH HOLDINGS, Inc. (hereinafter, the “Company”). Copyrights to and of text, images and other content on this website, including information and photographs posted thereon, are held by the Company. These pieces of information may not be reprinted, reproduced, translated, sold, rented, or otherwise used without permission from the Company, except for private use, quotation or other cases permitted under the Copyright Act.

  • Trademarks, Logos and Trade Names

    All rights to and of individual trademarks, logos, and trade names appearing on the website belong to the Company or their respective right holders. Except for cases permitted under the Trademark Act or other related laws, the use of the trademarks, logos, and trade names without permission from the Company is prohibited under the Trademark Act and other related laws. If you intend to use them, you should contact the Company in advance to obtain permission.

  • Recommended Browsers

    Internet Explorer 11 or later is recommended to view this website.
    If you use a non-recommended browser, you may not be able to use the website or display the website correctly.

  • Cookies

    This website may obtain cookie information and use it for statistical analysis of website usage, advertisement, and other purposes. The Company obtains cookie information to provide better information and services to customers, but does not collect information that identifies individuals.
    A cookie is a small text file that is recorded on your computer when you visit a website, which enables the Company to identify your computer. Cookies can be disabled through your browser settings. However, you should note that you may not be able to receive some of the services of the Company in that case.
    The Company may also store and refer to cookie information via a third party (Yahoo! JAPAN) who is entrusted with the delivery of the Company’s advertisements.

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