
Promoting Diversity

Women's Activity Promotion Project

As one of the seven pillars of its medium-term management plan, MIRARTH HOLDINGS is committed to "developing human resources and creating a rewarding workplace environment," and is working to create a workplace environment where women can work comfortably and demonstrate their abilities by providing working conditions that are appropriate for their life stages.

MIRARTH Energy Solutions Measures

In April 2023, MIRARTH Energy Solutions (formerly Leben Clean Energy) launched the "Project Team for Promotion of Women's Activities" under the direct supervision of the President. To create an environment in which female employees can play an active role, we have introduced a flexible working time system and working from home system to create an environment in which they can keep balance between work and family (childcare and nursing care).

In addition, based on interviews with female employees, we have introduced "Company-type Babysitter Vouchers" issued by the Children and Families Agency, and placed "Omoiyari BOX (sanitary napkins and KAIRO, a portable product to keep yourself warm)." Also, we implemented multifaceted measures such as holding seminars on reforms in the way women work.

In November 2023, MIRARTH Energy Solutions (formerly Leben Clean Energy) received the third level (the highest tier) of “L-boshi” Certification from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare under The Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace. This certification is a system under which the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare certifies companies that are making excellent efforts to promote the advancement of women. Certification is based on five evaluation items (recruitment, continued employment, working hours and how they work, management ratio, and various career paths). The Company met all these evaluation criteria and received the third level (the highest tier).

We will continue to build a work environment that allows each employee to make the most of their diversity and aim to create an environment in which "women can raise children and be the president" at the same time.

Seminar on Women's Workplace Reform
Seminar on Women's Workplace Reform
“L-boshi” Certification
“L-boshi” Certification

Takara Leben's Measures

As part of its efforts to develop human resources and create a rewarding work environment, Takara Leben promotes the "Women's Activity Promotion Project."

Subsidized by the Babysitter Dispatch Program implemented by the Cabinet Office, we introduced a "Babysitter Discount System" to enable employees who are raising children to balance work and child rearing in May 2022. Also, we introduced the "Middle Career Track System," a new work style that allows women in sales positions to return to work after maternity or childcare leave while balancing work and childcare with peace of mind in October of the same year.

Promoting Male Childcare Leave

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government registers companies that have achieved a certain percentage of male employees taking childcare leave and continue to promote the use of such leave as "TOKYO Papa Ikugyo Promotion Company" and grants them the "TOKYO Papa Ikugyo Promotion Company Registration Mark" according to the percentage of childcare leave taken.

MIRARTH Energy Solutions (formerly Leben Clean Energy) has been promoting efforts to encourage male employees to take childcare leave by holding in-house study sessions, creating guidebooks, and posting information on the company's electronic bulletin board. In FY2022, the male childcare leave utilization rate reached 100%, and in November 2023, MIRARTH Energy Solutions (formerly Leben Clean Energy) was registered as a "Gold" company, the highest grade.

Introduction of Limited Area Employee System

In response to the urgent need to secure a workforce against the backdrop of a declining workforce due to the falling birthrate and aging population, the urgent need to secure personnel in rural areas due to the expansion of business areas, and the growing needs of job seekers, Takara Leben introduced the limited area employee system in FY2022. We aim to facilitate recruitment in local areas and to secure and retain human resources by diversifying work styles.

Employment of Persons with Disabilities

We are committed to the realization of diversity with the aim of becoming a corporate group where a diverse workforce, regardless of gender, age, nationality or disability, can play an active role. Leben Village, a farm in Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture, employs three people with disabilities and a farm manager to grow a variety of vegetables. We provide an environment where persons with disabilities can work with peace of mind on a long-term basis and promote employment where they can play an active role.

Employment of Persons with Disabilities
Employment of Persons with Disabilities

Leben Village Vegetable Fair

A direct sale of Leben Village vegetables is held regularly at the entrance of MIRARTH HOLDINGS and Takara Leben's headquarters. There were 13 fairs in FY2023. Harvested vegetables were mailed to branches and sales offices other than the head office. Proceeds from the vegetable sales were donated to the NPO TABLE FOR TWO.

In addition, to promote understanding and penetration of Leben Village, we also offer a harvesting experience for employees to participate in.

Comfortable Workplace Environment

Introduction of a Telework System

In April 2019, Takara Leben introduced a telework system, supporting more diverse employee work styles. Employees who meet specific conditions, such as those related to the content of their work, or employees who have given birth, parenting, or who provide nursing care can work remotely up to three times a week, without coming to the office, after implementing information leakage countermeasures and else. We plan to further promote this telework system with the aim of becoming an even more attractive company with flexible work styles that are not fixated on specific locations or times and contributing to our BCP.

Introduction of a Telework System

Yokohama Good Balance Award*

Leben Home Build has been certified as a "Yokohama Good Balance Award" company under the certification system of Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture.

This certification system supports small- and medium-sized enterprises in Yokohama City that actively promote the creation of a workplace environment in which everyone can work comfortably.

The company has been continuously certified since FY2017, and in FY2021 was awarded the "Three-Time Continuous Award" for companies that continuously work to improve their workplaces. The certification period is two years, and the company is judged on six criteria, including "diverse and flexible work styles" and "promotion of women's activities."

  • * The system was partially revised in FY2023 and changed from the "Yokohama Good Balance Award" to the "Yokohama Good Balance Company Certification."
Yokohama Good Balance Award
Yokohama Good Balance Award

Workplace Environment

Introduction of Office Casual Dress Code

MIRARTH HOLDINGS Group has started an office casual dress code in FY2023.
The purpose is to create a vibrant and comfortable work environment by invigorating communication and encouraging free thinking in relaxed attire.

In-House Tidy-up Measures

At Takara Leben, a person in charge conducts regular internal patrols at the Tokyo Head Office to clean conference rooms and other common spaces. Additionally, as part of a unique measure, the Matsuyama branch allocates cleaning duties for the office spaces and meeting rooms to different departments four days a week, setting aside time for all employees to participate in cleaning. Each team considers their cleaning tasks and works to maintain daily hygiene in the workplace, contributing to the overall beautification of the office environment.

Support for Diverse Work Styles

In light of the "Workplace Reform-Related Legislation" which has been sequentially enforced from April 2019, we are working to "correct long working hours," "realize diverse and flexible work styles," and "ensure fair treatment regardless of employment status."

With regard to long working hours, we are promoting the creation of workplaces where employees do not work long hours by, for example, strictly enforcing "overtime work of 45 hours or less per month in principle and 60 hours or less only six times a year" and considering visualization of actual working conditions to reflect them into personnel evaluations. Employees who work long hours are given "interview guidance by a doctor" and "monitoring of working hours," and information is shared with the Health Committee and industrial physicians to prevent health hazards and occupational accidents.

Regarding the use of paid leave that leads to a flexible work style suited to each employee, we strongly encourage employees to take the annual paid leave granted to each of them, subject to compliance with the "five-day paid leave obligation."

With regard to "equal pay for equal work," which came into effect in April 2020, we are "improving the treatment of contract employees" and "considering the abolition of contract employees" with the aim of creating a workplace that is rewarding for all employees.

Promoting Office Reforms

MIRARTH HOLDINGS Group has introduced free-address and ABW* office layouts. By allowing employees to change their working locations freely according to their own circumstances, we are working to activate communication among employees that transcends departmental barriers and hierarchies, maximize productivity and efficiency, and conserve resources by eliminating paper.

  • * ABW:An abbreviation for "Activity Based Working," a way of working in which workers freely choose where to work according to the nature of their work at any given time.

MIRARTH Energy Solutions Measures

In FY2022, we relocated our headquarters to Iidabashi, Tokyo, and introduced a free-address office layout incorporating ABW. In addition, a café space has been established to create a relaxing space for communication and work. Also, books recommended by employees are gathered like a library to promote the sharing of knowledge and entertainment.

Furthermore, smoke-free smoking booths have been installed to prevent the diffusion of harmful substances and cut down on the "smell of cigarettes" on clothing and bodies, providing an environment that embraces diversity among employees and allows them to refresh themselves efficiently in a short period of time.

Promoting Office Reforms
Promoting Office Reforms

MIRARTH HOLDINGS and Takara Leben’s Measures

MIRARTH HOLDINGS and Takara Leben have introduced an ABW-type office layout on some floors in conjunction with office expansion at their Tokyo headquarters in FY 2023.

The layout allows workers to freely choose where to work according to their own circumstances, including box meeting spaces with monitors, boomerang desks with wide seats suitable for spreading out documents, and semi-closed booths with sound-absorbing material partitions that allow workers to concentrate on their work.

Promoting Office Reforms
Promoting Office Reforms

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