Human Rights

Human Rights Policy

MIRARTH HOLDINGS Group Human Rights Policy

The MIRARTH HOLDINGS Group (hereinafter referred to as "the Group") is committed to solving social issues through its business activities and working with stakeholders to achieve a sustainable society and growth. This Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") clarifies the Group's approach to human rights in the course of its business activities, and as a member of society, the Group respects human rights and conducts its activities in accordance with the Policy. The Group also expects all stakeholders involved in its business to understand and practice the respect for human rights in line with the Policy, and to work together to promote the respect for human rights.

  1. Respect for International Human Rights Standards
    The Group supports and respects human rights as stated in the International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenants on Human Rights) and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and promotes responsible management based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.
    The Group understands and complies with all relevant laws in all countries and regions where it operates. In the event that there is a conflict between the internationally recognized human rights and the laws of the country or region where the Group conducts business activities, the Group will seek ways to respect the principles of international human rights.
  2. Scope of Application
    The Policy applies to all officers, employees, temporary staff, and other personnel (hereinafter referred to as "officers and employees") who engage in the Group's operations. As a member of society, the Group strongly recognizes the importance of respecting human rights and provides appropriate education and training to its officers and employees to ensure that the Policy takes root throughout its business activities.
    In addition, the Group expects its customers and business partners to support the Policy and work with the Group to promote the respect for human rights.
  3. Key Issues Related to Human Rights
    As the challenges to be addressed may change due to social trends and the business environment, the Group will review the key issues related to human rights as necessary through dialogues and discussions with stakeholders and external experts.
  4. Human Rights Due Diligence and Remedy/Correction
    The Group establishes a mechanism for human rights due diligence and understands potential or actual negative impacts on human rights that may arise through its business activities in order to prevent or mitigate them proactively. If its business activities have caused or contributed to negative impacts on human rights, the Group will take measures for remedy and correction.
  5. Dialogue and Discussion with Stakeholders
    The Group engages in dialogues and discussions with relevant stakeholders such as employees, local communities, business partners, and customers to enhance its understanding of human rights issues and to improve and resolve them.
  6. Information Disclosure
    The Group will disclose its efforts to respect human rights based on the Policy on its website and other appropriate channels.

Respect for Human Rights

The MIRARTH HOLDINGS Group acts with respect for the fundamental human rights of all stakeholders, including employees, while observing laws and regulations, social ethical norms, and matters specified in ethical rules.

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