Building Value

Quality & Comfort

Initiative to Improve Quality Through Obtaining ISO 9001 Certification

With the aim of improving quality to comprehensively support the creation of comfortable living environments for customers, Leben Home Build and Leben Community have established a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001, the international standard for quality management systems established by the International Organization for Standardization, and have obtained certification.

We regularly monitor and improve our management processes and revise our policies and goals as necessary to continue to provide even higher quality services.

Details of Leben Home Build's Initiatives

On-site construction in progress
  • Quality and process control
  • Regular construction safety patrols
After delivery of the property
  • Conduct periodic building inspections
  • Establishment of after-sales service system
  • Proposals for large-scale repairs, etc.
Initiative to Improve Quality Through Obtaining ISO 9001 Certification

Details of Leben Community’s Initiative

Comprehensive condominium management
  • Administrative management
  • Association accounting
  • Management and repair of buildings and equipment
  • Management staff operations
Condominium repair work
  • Repair of condominium common areas
Initiative to Improve Quality Through Obtaining ISO 9001 Certification

Service Quality

Service Quality Management System (SQMS®)

Leben Community ensures quality using our unique service quality management system (SQMS®) to continue managing our customers’ important assets over the long term. SQMS® applies ISO 9001, an international standard for quality management systems, to condominium management. It sees condominium management as consisting of four support services (site management, financial management, asset management, and operations management) and applies the PDCA cycle to each to continuously improve quality.

Specific actions include providing feedback to the relevant departments on the opinions of condominium management association members, collected through questionnaires, which leads to improvements in the quality of a wide range of services.

Service Quality Management System (SQMS®)

SQMS® Process Chart (Service Quality Management)

SQMS® Process Chart (Service Quality Management)

Quality Philosophy and Policy

Quality philosophy

We hereby declare and state our quality management philosophy to be "Creating a safe and comfortable living environment" in the spirit of "walk the talk."
We will adopt the quality management system advocated by ISO9001 and pursue customer satisfaction and social contribution in our condominium management business under the motto of "speed, dependability, and sincerity" for all our employees.

Quality policy

We have established the following quality policy so that we can continue to provide "speed, dependability, and sincerity" services to our customers

  1. We will pursue our own existence value to become an indispensable presence for our customers.
  2. We will provide high-quality and reliable services based on our quality standards.
  3. We will continuously pursue quality improvement for perennial customer satisfaction.
  4. We will clarify objectives and targets, and embody the spirit of "walk the talk."
  5. We will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, norms, rules, etc. and aim to be a corporate citizen trusted by society.

Quality-Related Education and Training

Leben Community is committed to developing human resources who understand and practice SQMS®. We conduct SQMS® Basic Concepts Training for younger personnel to help them understand the basic concepts and features of SQMS®. In addition, in order to promote SQMS® internally and externally, employees who have gained extensive practical experience and are familiar with the SQMS® concept, quality standards, process control, etc. are given the SQMS® emblem and certified as SQMS® Masters. This program was launched in FY 2018 and 13 people have been certified so far.
In FY2022, the scope of SQMS® training was expanded to include employees of branch offices and sales offices, such as the Shikoku Branch Office, to further promote SQMS® in the company.

Quality-Related Education and Training
Quality-Related Education and Training

Front Man Training

Front men require extensive knowledge as professionals that support the operation of management associations. In order to improve the quality of service they provide, we regularly administer training to all front men. The goal is to provide front men with the skills they require to carry out their duties, through training such as debt recovery operation training led by an attorney, SQMS®-based operation mentality training, and building and equipment training.

Front Man Training

Condominium Management Staff Training

Condominium management staff are responsible for reception, inspections, cleaning, consultation, and other duties. To maintain comfortable condominium living environments, they must not only be able to execute their duties appropriately, but also to do so with a smile on their face, speak politely, and take care of their personal appearance. By providing them with feedback from residents about their day-to-day job performance, conducting regular management staff training, and periodically testing their understanding of training content, we work to thoroughly improve the quality of service they provide.

In fiscal year 2022, given the spread of Covid-19, training sessions were held in small groups in regional cities, although face-to-face education, which is difficult to convey through written communication alone, was resumed, albeit gradually.

Condominium Management Staff Training

Information Shared on Near-miss Incidents

One measure we employ to maintain and enhance service quality is sharing information on near-miss incidents relating to condominium management. We use the Management Staff News, which is distributed periodically, to inform all staff members about incidents that almost led to quality-related accidents.

In addition, during company-wide service quality training, we present information on incidents which did not comply with standards occurring in the previous fiscal year and details of the responses, and this has been useful in reducing quality-related incidents.

In fiscal year 2022, we worked to protect our customers’ information through focused information dissemination regarding the handling of personal and confidential information.


In the "SUUMO AWARD 2022*" selected by buyers, Leben Community received an "Award of Excellence" in the category of condominium management companies (with less than 100 units in the Tokyo metropolitan area) in the category of repair services, as a company that received high evaluation for its daily repair proposals and its convincing long-term repair plans and cost estimates. The company received the "Award of Excellence" in the category of repair handling in the category of condominium management companies (in the Tokyo metropolitan area, with fewer than 100 units).

  • * SUUMO AWARD 2022:
    Ranking based on satisfaction with condominium developers, condominium sales companies and management companies from various perspectives, including quality, price and initiatives, made through a survey of people who purchased new condominiums in the Tokyo metropolitan area (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, and Ibaraki prefectures).

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