Renewable Energy

Energy Business

MIRARTH HOLDINGS Group promotes energy projects that utilize renewable energy sources that contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Since 2013, when we entered the energy business, we have been developing mega solar power plants and small- and medium-scale solar power plants on idle land and other sites across Japan. In addition, we are also involved in other renewable energy projects other than solar power generation, such as wind power and biomass, with a total generation capacity of approximately 416 MW* as of March 31, 2024.

  • * MW based on solar conversion

Solar Power Generation

Specified Wholesale Supplying to UPDATER

MIRARTH Energy Solutions

MIRARTH Energy Solutions (formerly Leben Clean Energy), which has experience in the development of more than 200 high-voltage solar power plants nationwide, has signed a specified wholesale supply agreement with UPDATER (formerly Minna Denryoku).

UPDATER has been developing services and events to revitalize local communities through solar and other renewable energies based on the concepts of "promotion and expansion of renewable energies" and "face to face electricityTM," and has a total of 800 contracted power plants as of June 2023.

Through this agreement, MIRARTH Energy Solutions will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society by providing electricity derived from renewable energy sources generated by the company to companies and other entities that have contracts with UPDATER.

Contract date September 25, 2023
Location of power plants 17 prefectures (From Hokkaido to Kyushu)
Number of power plants 40
Power output (total) Approx. 21,140 kW
Power Generator MIRARTH Energy Solutions, Inc.
Specified wholesale supplier UPDATER, Inc.
Scheme for the conclusion of specified wholesale supply contracts
Scheme for the conclusion of specified wholesale supply contracts

LS Chiba Sammu East and West Power Plant

GK Green Energy, which is entrusted with asset management by MIRARTH Asset Management (formerly Takara Asset Management), has concluded a specified wholesale supply contract with UPDATER for the LS Chiba Sammu East and West power plant. By supplying electricity produced at the LS Chiba Sammu East and West power plant to households that choose energy with low environmental impact and to companies that practice environmentally friendly management through UPDATER, we aim to promote a decarbonized society and the spread of renewable energy.

LS Chiba Sammu East & West Power Plants

Specified Wholesale Supplying to Osaka Gas

MIRARTH Energy Solutions (formerly Leben Clean Energy) has signed a specified wholesale supply agreement with Osaka Gas. In March 2022, MIRARTH HOLDINGS Group and Osaka Gas signed a "Memorandum of Understanding for Joint Development of Solar Power Generation Business" and agreed to ongoing collaboration.

By entering into this agreement, the Group aims to contribute to society by promoting a decarbonized society and the spread of renewable energy by supplying electricity with environmental value through Osaka Gas, which aims to expand the use of renewable energy.

Contract date March 1, 2024
Location of power plants 14 prefectures (From Hokkaido to Kyushu)
Number of power plants 66
Power output (total) Approx. 24,162 kW
Power Generator MIRARTH Energy Solutions, Inc.
Specified wholesale supplier Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.
Overview chart of the initiative
Overview chart of the initiative

LS Kagoshima Osaki 1 and 2 Solar Power Plant

MIRARTH HOLDINGS has developed the "LS (Leben Solar) Kagoshima Osaki 1 and 2 Solar Power Plant" (Osaki Town, Soo-gun, Kagoshima Prefecture) and held a completion ceremony on February 7, 2024.

This power plant is the second largest solar power plant developed by our group to date, following the LS Chiba-Katsuura Power Plant (generating capacity of approximately 30 MW). The four sites will generate an estimated 22 MW of power, equivalent to approximately 26.6 million kWh per year, which is enough electricity to meet the annual power needs of approximately 7,800 average households. All electricity generated will be sold to general distribution electricity providers under the FIT system.

In addition, seven disaster prevention retention basins have been installed as flood control measures, and while the power plant is very large in scale, it is designed in consideration of the surrounding environment.

As a future environmental design company, the Group will continue to work to revitalize local communities, realize a decarbonized society, and increase the value of local environmental issues through the promotion of electricity derived from renewable energy sources.

LS Kagoshima Osaki 1 and 2 Solar Power Plant
LS Kagoshima Osaki 1 and 2 Solar Power Plant

Joint ownership of solar power generation with Osaka Gas

MIRARTH HOLDINGS has invested in Leben Energy No. 2 LLC, which owns and operates a small- and medium-scale solar power plant (hereafter "the plant") developed by MIRARTH Energy Solutions (formerly Leben Clean Energy). This is the second joint ownership of a solar power plant by Osaka Gas and MIRARTH HOLDINGS Group, following the investment in Leben Energy No. 1 LLC*1 announced in March 2022.

The plant is a group of small- and medium-scale solar power plants with a total generation capacity of approximately 23,300 kW developed at 44 locations across Japan under the FIT system, all of which have been put into operation to date. All electricity generated at the plant will be taken over by Osaka Gas through specified wholesale supply*2 and used in combination with non-fossil certificates to supply renewable energy electricity to customers aiming for RE100 and ESG management.

The joint ownership of solar power plants by Osaka Gas and MIRARTH HOLDINGS Group has expanded to a cumulative total of 126 locations with approximately 58,800 kW through this investment participation. As per the memorandum of understanding signed in March 2022, the two companies will also work on joint development and joint ownership of non-FIT solar power plants*3 in the future by combining Osaka Gas' business platform in the electric power business with MIRARTH Energy Solutions' project development capabilities.

  1. *1 Participation of Osaka Gas in the investment in 82 small- and medium-sized solar power plants developed by the Takara Leben Group (announced on March 29, 2022)
  2. *2 Specified wholesale supply: The wholesale supply of renewable electricity to a retail electricity supplier through the transmission and distribution network of a power transmission and distribution company that has jurisdiction over the area where the power plant is located, based on prior consent between the retail electricity supplier and the power producer for the wholesale supply of renewable electricity with the power producer specified.
  3. *3 Osaka Gas plans to purchase the renewable energy electricity generated by non-FIT solar power plants over the long term.
Overview of jointly owned small- and medium-scale solar power plants
Location 12 prefectures (From Hokkaido to Kyushu)
Number of power plants 44
Power output (total) Approx. 23,300 kW
Start of operation July 2018 - April 2022
Solar Power Plant in Wanize, Jyonan-machi, Minami-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture
Solar Power Plant in Wanize, Jyonan-machi, Minami-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture

Efforts to promote PPA

As greenhouse gas emissions increase and global warming becomes a serious issue, the spread of renewable energy is emerging as an urgent challenge. Amid the demand for a shift away from fossil fuels and the introduction of sustainable energy, MIRARTH Energy Solutions (formerly Leben Clean Energy) is actively working to promote PPA to spread renewable energy sources such as solar power generation.

MITSUI & CO., LTD. and Sophia School Corporation Sign Long-Term Purchase and Sale Agreement

MIRARTH Energy Solutions (formerly Leben Clean Energy) has signed long-term purchase agreements with MITSUI & CO., LTD. and Sophia School Corporation for solar power-derived electricity.

Under this agreement, MITSUI & CO., LTD. will purchase renewable energy power generated by the company's planned new solar power plant in the service area of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (total generation capacity of approximately 2MW) and supply it to Sophia University's Yotsuya Campus as an off-site corporate PPA*1.

In addition to supplying renewable energy power from the subject power plant, the physical corporate PPA will also supply non-fossil certificates with tracking*2 to achieve 100% renewable energy for the entire electricity consumption of Sophia University's Yotsuya Campus.

The purchase of renewable electricity and non-fossil certificates by consumers is also expected to have the added benefit of encouraging investment in new renewable energy power facilities.

The agreement is a cooperative effort among MITSUI & CO., LTD., Sophia School Corporation and our Group to promote renewable energy through the PPA model. We aim to expand this model to more companies and organizations in the future, thereby contributing to the realization of a decarbonized society in Japan.

  1. *1 Off-site corporate PPA: A contract method in which renewable energy power generated by a renewable energy power source installed at an off-site location that is not a demanding location is supplied to the purchaser of such power via the general power grid
  2. *2 Non-fossil certificate with tracking: A non-fossil certificate in which the source of electricity generation is identified
Overview chart of the initiative
Overview chart of the initiative

Signed a wholesale solar power purchase agreement with Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.

MIRARTH Energy Solutions (formerly Leben Clean Energy) has signed a wholesale solar power purchase agreement with Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.

The wholesale purchase of solar power is a scheme whereby Tokyo Gas purchases the power generated at the company's power plants and its environmental value.

Under this agreement, the company will supply Tokyo Gas with electricity from its newly constructed solar power plant. The company is already planning to build a 1MW (panel capacity) scale power plant in Shioya-machi, Tochigi Prefecture, and will supply all the power to Tokyo Gas after obtaining FIP certification*.

This will be part of our ongoing strong action to contribute to the various decarbonization and low-carbon initiatives promoted by both companies, with the aim of building a sustainable society. The company will continue to flexibly adapt to various schemes and make proposals that contribute to efforts to meet the 2030 and 2050 decarbonization targets.

  • * FIP certification system: A system that aims to further promote the spread of renewable energy by providing a certain premium on electricity sales prices to encourage investment incentives for renewable energy power generation companies
Assumed Scheme of the Agreement
Assumed Scheme of the Agreement

Signed a basic agreement with TEPCO Energy Partner, Incorporated

MIRARTH Energy Solutions (formerly Leben Clean Energy) has signed an agreement with TEPCO Energy Partner, Incorporated regarding solar power generation business and is promoting off-site corporate PPA.

To meet the needs of TEPCO Energy Partner 's customers, renewable energy generated at TEPCO-owned power plants will be systematically supplied to customers through TEPCO Energy Partners, a retail electricity provider. We will provide non-fossil value to many demand customers, especially companies participating in RE100.


Biomass Power Generation

Through its biomass power generation business, MIRARTH HOLDINGS Group contributes to the reduction of environmental impact and the development of sustainable local economies in cooperation with local communities.

Mt. Fuji Asagiri Biomass Power Plant

In 2021, MIRARTH HOLDINGS entered the biomass power generation business for the first time, and in April 2023 it began generating power at the Mt. Fuji Asagiri Biomass Power Plant (Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture), operated by joint venture Mt.Fuji Asagiri Biomass. Electricity is distributed to the eastern part of the prefecture via a regional power company.

This power plant generates biomass power using cattle manure collected from members of the Fuji Kaitaku Agricultural Cooperative. Power is generated by burning biogas generated from the fermentation process of cattle manure, thereby reducing CO2 emissions compared to the direct combustion of wood waste and combustible waste. The liquid fertilizer produced with biogas is sold as "Mt. Fuji Asagiri Biomass Liquid Fertilizer" to various industries to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers.

In addition, the power generation facility is reusing a facility that was used in the "Eco-Harmonized Biomass Resource Utilization Model Project" by the Ministry of the Environment. By reusing facilities that were scheduled for demolition, we are also contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions that has been generated by the demolition.

Using this biomass power generation project as a model case, we will actively promote the development of renewable energy facilities other than solar power generation, including the construction of similar systems and power plants using other biomass fuels.

Mt. Fuji Asagiri Biomass Power Plant

Entering the biomass fuel conversion business using Cambodian cashew nut shells

MIRARTH Energy Solutions (formerly Leben Clean Energy) established MIRARTH Agri Tech Co., Ltd. (Cambodian subsidiary) in February 2024 to enter the biomass fuel conversion business using Cambodian cashew nut shells.

The company aims to contribute to the economic development of Cambodia, whose GDP per capita is about one-twentieth compared to Japan, by constructing a new plant to expand local employment and to improve labor productivity by introducing Japanese manufacturing operation technology. The Company will promote the diversification of their business portfolio by expanding business bases overseas, which were previously limited to within the country.

We will continue to realize our corporate vision of "creating a carbon neutral world with renewable energy" and contribute to a diverse and sustainable future with wisdom and technology, appreciating the blessings of nature.

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